Spicy Butternut + Sweetpotato

can be spicy or mild depending on prefrence..

Difficulty Level: easy

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0 Cook
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0 Serving


  • 1 Butternut Squash,
  • 3/4 Sweet Potatoes (I tend to vary the amounts depending on the size of the squash)
  • 1 Onion
  • 2 Cloves of crushed Garlic
  • 1 Pint (roughly) of Veg or Chicken stock
  • 1 Red Chilli (optional)
  • 1 tsp of Ground Cumin (can adjust depending on personal taste)
  • 1 tsp of Chilli Powder if desired… (the 2 spices can be replaced with Curry Powder or Garam Masala if they’re in your cupboard??!)


  1. 1. Peel the squash and de-seed (i use a potato peeler or a knife to peel and then i cut in half and spoon the seeds out) then cut to chunks, peel the sweet potatoes and chopped them to a similar size to the squash (you want them to cook at the same rate)

  2. 2. Slice your onion, chilli and garlic and fry off in a little olive oil until the onions are softend.

  3. 3. Add your spices and fry slowly for another 5 mins or so, so as the spices infuse.

  4. 4. Add the veg and fry on a low heat moving them around the pan ensuring they’re coated with the spices.

  5. 5. Add the stock, I tend to add enough so as it covers the veg.

  6. 6. Bring to the boil and then reduce to simmer.

  7. 7. Once the vegetables are soft i tend to squash them down with a potato masher and then blend either with a hand blender or transfer to a ‘jug’ blender?!? Blend to whatever consistancy you like.. I personally prefer it smooth… If its too thick i tend to add a little more stock and return to the hob warming it back up and stirring the stock in.

  8. TIPS: If you make the soup too spicy by accident then you could add a little single cream to cool the taste..

  9. The soup will serve 2 big people!! or 4 smaller! It all depends really on the size of the veg and stock you use..

  10. Lots of black pepper really compliments this soup.

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