Student Fried Chicken

Quick-ish and easy fried chicken!

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • 1-1.5 Chicken Breasts
  • 2 slices of bread
  • An egg
  • Mixed herbs (Optional)
  • Peas/ other greens/ Salad on the side


  1. Chop the chicken breasts into almost bite size chunks

  2. Crumb up the slices of bread. (I did this by rubbing them between my hands, but I imagine a grater or similar things would work)

  3. Mix some mixed herbs and salt and pepper into the bread crumbs.

  4. Put some oil in a frying pan to heat it up so its ready to cook in.

  5. Beat the egg into a bowl/ mug/ other receptical.

  6. Dip each chicken chunk into the beaten egg, then roll in the breadcrumbs to coat.

  7. When all of the chicken has been coated in breadcrumbs, put all the pieces into the frying pan. Cook until, well, cooked. You’ll need to keep shifting the chicken around the pan so all the bits get thoroughly cooked.

  8. (If cooking for more than one, it might be an idea to leave a plate in the oven and put the cooked pieces on there whilst the rest are cooking to keep warm.)

  9. When you are all cooked, serve the chicken with a side of peas, or a salad perhaps.

  10. And there you have it!

  11. I did this one night when i had a very limited number of things in, and its really nice, succulent and crunchy!

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