Super Easy Mac ‘n Cheese!

Really filling and yummy

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • Pasta (however much you want)
  • 1/2 pint milk
  • knob of butter
  • 1tbsp plain flour
  • 1 cup grated cheddar cheese
  • Optional:
  • Tuna
  • Peas
  • Onions


  1. Boil pasta as you would normally

  2. In a plastic jug, put the butter and flour and melt on high in the microwave for 1 min

  3. Stir together and add half the milk

  4. Microwave for a further minute

  5. Stir and add the rest of the milk

  6. Microwave for another minute

  7. Stir until a thick sauce and add cheese

  8. Microwave for 30secs and stir

  9. Add sauce to pasta!

  10. For a bit of variation you could add onion, tuna and peas 🙂

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