Tangy Salmon Risotto

Brilliant risotto & v.easy

Difficulty Level: easy

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  • butter
  • oil
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 lime
  • 2 salmon fillets
  • 200g risotto rice
  • 1/2 litre of vegtable stock (swiss boullion best)


  1. 1. Boil half a litre of water and add a couple of teaspoons of stock until it tastes quite strong and set it simmering on the hob. Finely dice onion and whack it in a pan with a bit of oil and butter until it goes translucent.

  2. 2. Make sure the onions are completely covered in the butter & oil mixture then add in your 200g of risotto rice (you might want to transfer it to something like a wok at this point) and mix it all about so it too is covered in the mixture.

  3. 3. pour a little bit of stock in at a time and stir it until it’s absorbed by the rice. Continue doing this for about 20 mins at wich point it’ll nearly be ready. Add the juice of one lime.

  4. 4. Fry the salmon fillets over a fairly decent heat in a pan with a bit of melted butter and oil. Takes about 5 mins. Turn frequently and add loads of lemon juice directly to the pan.

  5. 5. The risotto will be ready when its still got a bit of bite but is gooey (bout 20-25 mins), you may or may not have used all the stock but either way the risotto should be sturated by now and not absorbing any more. Take of the heat if nessecary until the salmon is done.

  6. 6. grate some lime and lemon zest onto the dish and enjoy a delicious and impressive meal!

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