Tasty Pasta Dish

With tuna, cheese and crisps

Difficulty Level: easy

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0 Serving


  • Im not putting down weights for the ingredients because it all depends on how much you make and plainly because its only a quick dish so theres no point!
  • Ingredients:
  • Pasta (Twirls are the best)
  • Grated Cheese (Lots is good!)
  • Tuna (usually 1 whole small tin)
  • Butter
  • Crisps (Cheese and Onion or Salt and Vinegar)


  1. Its a piece of cake to make so im not gonna go into precise details about making it because plainly, there isnt any!

  2. Literally all you have to do is; boil your pasta on the hob as normal (best to add a few shakes of salt if you dont usually), drain the pasta, tip the pasta into a bowl (or back into the pan to save washing up!) get a good size bit of butter on the end of a knife or spoon or whatever and put it into the bowl with the pasta and mix it around until its melted, add your grated cheese and mix until its evenly mixed then add the tuna and mix again until its mixed evenly through the pasta, tip onto a plate. Then all you have to do is crush up a packet of crisps (like i said cheese and onion or salt and vinegar is best) and tip it all over the top

  3. this recipe isnt just for one person, you can obviously make how much you want for how many people you want, but its so easy and so tasty! enjoy!

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