The Courgette Dish

A simple, cheap tasty way to eat your veg!

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • To serve 1 (adjust accordingly for more people)
  • Courgettes x 2
  • 1/2 tablespoon Tomato puree (can even use bolognese sauce if you like instead or with it)
  • Small bit of water
  • Mozzerella
  • Cheddar
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 1/2 teaspoon of mixed herbs
  • 1/2 teaspoon of paprika (i sometmes use more)
  • Small dash of garlic
  • Salt and Pepper for seasoning


  1. My mum taught me this recipe, she made it up one day on holiday as the farmer broke the water pipe whilst ploughing or something, so we were without water. Then he gave us a load of veg (including courgettes) and voila the recipe was born!

  2. This is a great one to do on a cold day, and also on your busiest days (especially if you have a slow cooker!) Just prepare everything the night before and put in fridge, then when you come home for lunch follow the cooking methods

  3. 1. Take the courgettes and peel most of the green off and chop the ends off. Then cut into slices, not too thin.

  4. 2. Then dice the onion

  5. 3. Put the onion and courgettes into a frying pan at a medium heat with the herbs, paprika and salt and pepper to taste. Toss and cook for about 5 minutes or until they are just turning.

  6. Slow cooker

  7. 4. Put onion and courgettes into slow cooker along with the tomato puree and mix around.

  8. 5. Then put the cheddar and mozzerella on top

  9. 5. Put the slow cooker on a low heat and put on the lid. Then when you get back from horrid lectures, this will be ready and waiting to eat!

  10. Pan

  11. 4. Do the same as the slow cooker, but in a pan that has a lid and large enough to take all the ingredients.

  12. 5. Put onto a low heat and leave for a few hours.

  13. Oven

  14. This is if you don’t want to slow cook it

  15. 4. Again do the same for the slow cooker and pan just place into an oven proof dish

  16. 5. Put into a pre-heated oven at around 180 until the cheese has melted and the courgettes are softened.

  17. Hope you enjoy 😀

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