The International Pancakes

The measures are tablespoons, so easy!

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • About 32 small to medium pancakes:
  • 6 eggs
  • 12 soup/table spoons of sugar
  • 12 soup/table spoons of flour
  • 12 soup/table spoons of milk
  • baking soda (optional)
  • double up or divide the amount to get more or less pancakes!


  1. 1.Separate the egg whites and beat them until consistent and foamy.

  2. 2.On a bowl, add the rest of the eggs (yellow part) and mix with the sugar.

  3. 3.Add the previously beaten egg whites.

  4. 4.Add the milk and flour.

  5. 5.Add baking soda if you haven’t beaten your eggs enough or not at all.

  6. 6.Prepare a frying pan, big so you can fit 4 pancakes at a time. Grease it with butter or olive oil if you prefer. High temperature to start off.

  7. 7.Take a small amount of batter, put on the pan (it is the tester). This will take away the extra butter and you can check the cooking time.

  8. if the tester cooks too fast or gets burnt partially, low the temperature.

  9. 8.Medium temperature, keep putting batter on the pan with a big spoon, separating the pancakes so they don’t get stuck.

  10. 9.Cook from one side and with wooden spatula (and maybe a help of a fork) turn the pancake around.

  11. 8.When both sides cooked, put on a plate that has a napkin on it (to absorbe extra butter)

  12. 9.Eat with nutella,maple sirup or however you like!

  13. thanks to my friend for teaching me this recipe

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