Toasted Pizza Sandwich

A quick, delicious toasted pizza!

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • Ingredients:
  • * 2 slices of white bread
  • * 2 tablespoons of ketchup
  • * 1 cube of cheese: 2 inches long, 1 inch across
  • * 1 small slice of ham
  • Equipment:
  • * 1 toastie bag
  • * 1 knife
  • * 1 toaster


  1. 1. Carefully spread ketchup across both slices of bread, using the knife.

  2. 2. Grate the cheese finely.

  3. 3. Sprinkle the cheese across one slice of bread.

  4. 4. Cube the ham.

  5. 5. Sprinkle the thin cubes of ham over the cheesy slice of bread.

  6. 6. Press the ketchuppy slice of bread onto the cheesy, hammy slice.

  7. 7. Place the sandwich into the toastie bag.

  8. 8. Place the toastie bag into the toaster.

  9. 9. Cook in the toaster for however long the packet of toastie bags directs.

  10. 10. Remove carefully from the toaster.

  11. 11. Enjoy your quick, easy pizza toasted sandwich!

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