Tofu curry

Tofu, Peppers and mushroom korma thingy

Difficulty Level: easy

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  • any kind of oil for frying
  • Tofu to be cut into small pieces- as you like
  • One onion
  • a garlic clove
  • A green pepper or whatever colour pepper you want
  • A tin of Coconut milk or whatever coconut milk you like
  • Mushrooms
  • salt
  • Curry powder
  • a little bit of water
  • maybe a little bit of paprika and tumeric
  • Basmati rice is my favourite though whatever rice you have can be used


  1. 1. Wash and Chop the vegetables and crush the garlic.

  2. 2. Fry the onion and garlic, pepper, and mushrooms in a little oil with the tofu in a large pan until the veg has reduced and the tofu is slightly brown.

  3. 3. Add the curry powder, tumeric and paprika and fry for a minute or two.

  4. 4. Next, add the Coconut milk and stir while gently simmering.

  5. 5. Allow to simmer for half an hour meanwhile cooking the rice as directed on the packet.

  6. 6. Drain rice and serve, hey presto a great veggie curry!

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