Tuna & Mushroom Casserole

Cheap and easy casserole

Difficulty Level: easy

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0 Cook
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0 Serving


  • 1 can canned (or 1 cup fresh) peas
  • 1 can cream of mushroom soup
  • 1 can flaked tuna, no bones
  • 2 cups spiral pasta
  • 1 cup shredded cheese (whatever you like! monteray jack, cheddar, mozzerella, etc.)


  1. 1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

  2. Put a few cups of water on the burner to boil for the pasta.

  3. 2. empty peas, tuna and cream of mushroom soup into a 9" pie plate.

  4. 3. place pie plate into oven and bake for 30 minutes

  5. 4. place pasta in casserole dish and pour casserole on top

  6. 5. Cover casserole with shredded cheese and put in oven another 3-4 minutes.

  7. 6. Voila! you’re done.

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