Ultimate Fish Finger Sarnie

Cheese on toast/fish finger combo 🙂

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • -However many slice of bread you want
  • -Enough cheese to cover each slice
  • -Pepper
  • -Worcester Sauce
  • -Paprika
  • -Parsley
  • – 3 Fish Fingers per sandwich
  • -A whole lot of love


  1. Cook the fish fingers for however long they need to be cook, most at 10-15 minutes.

  2. Toast the bread to however crunchy you want it, butter then grate as much cheese as you want on each slice.

  3. Add a bit of pepper & paprika to each slice.

  4. Add a Worcester sauce to each slice.

  5. Grill the cheesy toast untill all the cheese has melted.

  6. Sprinkle parsley onto the slices & add more Worcester sauce.

  7. Add the fish fingers & sandwich two slices of cheesy toast together

  8. &

  9. Voila!

  10. The Ultimate Fish Finger/Cheese On Toast Sandwich 🙂

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