U.S. style breakfast

Heavy but tasty start to the day!

Difficulty Level: easy

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  • 2 free range eggs (nothing else will do!)
  • handful of grated cheddar
  • scoop of butter
  • 2 Irish potato cakes
  • 2 plum tomatos
  • 2 hash browns
  • 1 tsp of water
  • salt/pepper


  1. Fry together the hash browns and tomatos on medium heat until hash browns golden brown and tomatoes are juicey. Toast Irish potato cakes.

  2. Mix two eggs together in bowl, add salt and pepper and splash of water.

  3. Heat pan to medium/hot level and melt butter, add egg mixture just as butter is liquidized.

  4. Stir the eggs until solidified and fluffy, then throw in grated cheese to the mixture for creamy flavour.

  5. Butter the potato cakes and then place scrambled egg mixture on top and add the tomatoes and hash browns. Then season with black pepper.

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