Vegetable Ribbon Pasta

Vegetarian Healthy Pasta Dish for 70pence

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
2 Serving


  • 1 Carrot
  • 1 Courgette
  • 1 Pot of pesto (290g)
  • Half a pack of Spaghetti (250g)
  • Cooking Oil


  1. 1) Put a large Pot of Hot Water on the stove to Boil.

  2. 2) Using a knife or potato peeler cut the carrot and Courgette into thin ribbons

  3. 3) Put the pasta in the boiling water for 5 minuets

  4. 4) Put the vegetable ribbons into the boiling water with the pasta for another 5 minuets

  5. 5) Take the Pot off the heat and drain the water

  6. 6) Open your pot of pesto and add the whole thing to the Pot

  7. 7) Mix the pesto through the spaghetti.

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