Weet-bix Breakfast

In a way that makes it actually taste
Difficulty Level: easy
- *weet-bix – 1,2kg cost 4,88au$.
- this may sound much, but seriously, the package is filled till the very top and it´s 1,2kg. It lasts for at least 2 weeks if you eat it every morning and during the day when making actual food would be too much of a hassle.
- *milk – woolworths homebrand – 2l cost 2au$
- i use skim/light milk, since i like the light taste better, but it´s all up to you.
- optional:
- *coconut flakes – woolworths homebrand – 500g cost 3,05au$
- i´m using the flakes that the people that used to live in this roomsharing before us left. They basically don´t seem to ever get bad.
- *cocoa powder – nesquick – 250g cost 2,81au$
- you basically don´t even have to take chocolate, but can also vary with banana cocoa powder, strawberry… They have quite a range.
- *sugar – woolworths homebrand – 1kg cost 1,50au$
- *fruits, chocolate chips, honey – get creative!
The first step is obviously getting a nice bowl – in my beautifully drawn picture you see my favourite stone bowl, handmade from the blue mountains – which i found on the streets. They just had a pile with stuff they didn´t want anymore and this beauty was in there as well – keep your eyes open!
depending on your taste, you put the weetbix into the bowl, i usually eat 2 or 3 a bowl. The more you take, the thicker everything gets. There also currently is this poll on weetbix’s website where 16% put 7 or more in their bowl – i have seriously no idea how that should even fit. But oh well.
then you pour in the milk and after that, you all the optionals you want to. Sugar, cocoa, fruits, whatever is just laying around in your kitchen. Almost everything makes it taste better.
i personally eat it only with milk and coconut flakes, because i seriously try to eat less sugar, just for the sake of me being almost addicted.
1) get bowl
2) put weet-bix inside
3) pour milk over it
4) add optionals
5) ?????
6) sucess!
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