Wicked Cupcakes

Very wicked cupcakes!

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • 300g sugar
  • 500g flour
  • 100g butter
  • 75ml milk
  • 1 egg
  • 6 tablespoons honey
  • 100g chocolate


  1. Melt down the chocolate with the butter.

  2. Mix the buttery chocolate with the sugar, flour, milk, egg and honey until a paste.

  3. Pour into cupcake cases.

  4. Put the cupcake cases into cake trays.

  5. Turn the oven on to Gas Mark 4.

  6. Place the trays into the oven.

  7. Check every 10 minutes, and cook for about half an hour.

  8. Remove from the oven.

  9. Leave to cool.

  10. Enjoy your totally wicked cupcakes!

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