winter mash with sauerkraut


Difficulty Level: easy

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0 Serving


  • As many potatoes as you can eat
  • any other winter veg you have.
  • I used butternut squash,
  • parsnips,
  • some left over honey roast carrots,
  • and a jar or sauerkraut.
  • 2 small red onions
  • and as much garlic as you like.
  • which ever herbs and spices take your fancy,
  • I used rosemary,
  • thyme,
  • basil,
  • oregano,
  • jamaican spice mix,
  • garam masala
  • chili flakes
  • salt and pepper.
  • oh and whatever oil you have around I used olive oil. (you need enough oil to mash into the veg so you get a creamy texture) About 5 tables spoons is what I used.


  1. mix the herbs, spices and salt with the oil. Score the veg and then rub the oil mixture all over making sure to get the bits of herb ect into the score marks on the veg. pour in the rest of the oil mix over the top and add some crushed garlic.

  2. Microwave for 15 mins.

  3. Gently fry the onions, spoon out as much sauerkraut as you like and fry. when the microwave pings roughly mash the veg into the oil and tip the sauerkraut mix on top.

  4. start nomming.

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