Yummy Homemade Tommy Soup

Lovely tomato soup!!

Difficulty Level: easy

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  • Between 4 and 6 tomatoes (depending on how many you want to make)
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 Parsnip
  • Half an onion, chopped
  • Salt
  • Ground black pepper
  • Paprika
  • Chicken stock
  • Lee & Perrins
  • Butter
  • Tomato Puree
  • Fresh Basil (chopped)
  • I always whisk this up with a hand blender, you could use an ordinary blender or leave it chunky as my housemate prefers 🙂


  1. Chop half of an onon and peel and chop the carrots and parsnips.

  2. Peel the tomatoes (easiest way to do this is pour boiling water all over them,leave them for 5 mins or so and then empty the water and pour cold water all over them, then nick the tomato and the skin peels right off). After they have been peeled, chop them in half and scoop out the seeds with a spoon.

  3. Add soem butter to a frying pan and lightly fry the onions, carrots and parsnip until the onions go a little brown and everythin has slightly softened.

  4. Make up the chicken stock (I always use two of the Knorr stock pots but stock cubes are good too or if your a super chef you could make your own but unfortunately Im not that awesome!) and add it to a pan to boil lightly. Add the carrots, parsnips, onions and the tomatoes. Put in a HUGE squeeze of tomato puree (I normally use about half an average sized tube), a few pinches of salt and as much Lee & Perrins, Paprika and black pepper as suits your taste (I always pack mine full of pepper to make it really spicey, but if you dont like spicey food you could leave it out). Chop a few of the basil leaves and add them to the pan also.

  5. Leave this simmering lightly for about 45 mins to an hour… I always put a lid on it and stir it every 10 mins or so too just to make sure nothings burning or sticking to the pan.

  6. After this time has gone, leave to cool and then whisk up with either a hand blender or a normal blender, or obviously if you want it chunky just serve it.

  7. I say allow it to cool before blendin it as the first time I made this I was a little impatient and didnt and had to go to hospital wth burns to my arms where it splashed me DOH haha 🙂 ENJOY!

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