Even if you don’t miss home at all, making your room at University yours can make the unfamiliar familiar. Turning your bedroom into whatever you want it to be – a sanctuary, a second living room, a place to study – can make you feel that much happier. Of course, fairy lights aren’t going to erase those first-week regrets from your memory, but at least you’ll have somewhere pretty to hide.

So here are a few ways that you can make your First Year home away from home:


Lots and lots of photographs, in fact. Many Halls of Residence have pin boards in the bedrooms that, aside from looking ugly if they aren’t filled, are a great opportunity to put your own stamp on your space. If you don’t want to pay to print new photographs, have a look online for introductory ‘Sign Up and Get 40 Free Prints’ offers.

Your Favourite Books and Films

You may not even plan on using them, but maybe there are some films and books that you’ve had forever that have some sentimental value. You don’t need to bring your old Thomas the Tank Engine videos with you, but filling those empty bookshelves will help to make your room feel more you.


You may end up with an awful fluorescent strip-light in your room. Not easy on the eyes at all. A bedside lamp, fairy lights, lava lamps etc. create a much friendlier (and more romantic, if that’s your priority) atmosphere.


Students spend a lot of time in bed, particularly if they are partial to a good lie-in. If you’re going to laze about, or alternatively roll around wondering when the people upstairs will stop jumping around at 3am, you may as well invest in some good, comfy and attractive bedding to make yourself feel better.

Nice Smells

If you aren’t allowed candles or incense in your room, there are other ways to make it smell good. Reed diffusers, room sprays and air fresheners may stop the invasion of other less appealing odours entering your room. If you already use things like this at home, use the same fragrance for extra cosiness.

A Fresher Survival Kit

It might be called ‘Freshers’ Week’, but for many this means catching colds and bugs that last for a lot longer. Being ill and by yourself is a very lonely experience, and even worse if you can’t go out and get your own medicine. Making sure you have your Freshers’ Survival Kit sorted not only means you’ll be less sniffly in lectures, but you’ll be prepared for many a dire situation. It isn’t a pretty addition to your room, but it’s worth it.


Everyone has those meals that remind them of home. If you’re going to miss something someone in your family makes, the answer is simple – learn how to make it yourself. Chances are it isn’t as hard as you thought. Alternatively develop your own comfort food with the help of Student Recipes!

For other student food ideas visit The Fresh Fresher and find out how to make easy fast-food, or keep reading the Student Recipes Blog.