Summer Session Survival Guide for College Students

We’re here to help with summer session survival. It can be scary to give up your summer to study, but follow this survival guide and you’ll be looking back at your semester having aced your classes.
6. Be Prepared
How do you prepare for summer classes? Coming into summer classes with little to no information can be scary, especially if it’s online or you aren’t familiar with your professor, but there are a few things you can do to make sure you are on your A-game on day 1. Summer session classes typically move at an accelerated pace because they need to cram in a semester’s worth of learning in as little as 6-7 weeks. The fast pace makes it important that you show up every day prepared to learn with notebooks, pencils, water, and a snack.
Try to bring a healthy snack that will give your brain energy throughout the day. These peanut butter protein bites would be a perfect option.
Check out: No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Bites
5. Know what to expect
Are summer classes harder than typical semester-long classes? Are they easier? Before going into your class you should carefully read through the professors’ syllabus so you are fully aware of what you are getting into. Some professors are more accommodating than others and usually, they will be upfront about this. Most professors will have their syllabus written in detail with dates for every assignment and test. The syllabus is your best friend, you should check this before your class begins and often throughout the course to ensure you are staying on track.
4. Don’t fall behind
The beauty of a summer session class is that you don’t have 4 other classes to worry about so it is much easier to stay ahead of things. However, if you do find yourself slipping a bit, you should ask for help. The biggest mistake students make is believing they will eventually figure it out themselves. Frequently students do this and find themselves 4 weeks later in a worse situation than they were in before. Now they are farther behind and don’t understand any of the material. Asking for help is not something to be embarrassed about the professors are there for you.
Stressing? Check out this post for how to make your dorm feel like home.
3. Buy the textbook

So often students see the $200 price tag on a book and think they will manage without it. While I’m sure some students wing it and still do okay, this is definitely not a good idea for everyone. The textbook exists for a reason, if your professor didn’t think you needed it for summer session they wouldn’t assign it to you. Professors don’t want you to waste their money, they were all students once before too. There are options though, student bookstores often carry used textbooks for a fraction of the price. Several popular textbooks are also available online at a discount. You can also check out this awesome website OpenStax with thousands of free or reduced books.
2. Make a schedule

During summer session classes a schedule is going to be your best friend. Go over your syllabus, find the deadlines, and work out where and when you are going to accomplish these assignments. With a schedule in place, you give yourself the freedom to do other fun activities in the summer without wondering when you are going to get your schoolwork done. Here are some planners from Amazon that will help you stay organized.
1. Make time for yourself
Lastly, and arguably most important for summer session survival, make time for yourself. This not only applies to summer session classes but to your whole college experience. It is very easy to get swept up in the routine of school and just as easy to forget to do nice things for yourself. Have a movie night and cuddle up with a bowl of popcorn to watch your favorite rom-com or make a batch of these spicy margarita mocktails for your friends to unwind after a week of studying. Even a short walk outside every day can be what you need to decompress and reconnect with yourself.
Check out: Ultimate Guilt-Free Spicy Margarita Mocktail Recipe
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